Power of Produce (PoP) Club

20170927_150839.jpgDeveloping the next generation of healthy eaters, the Power of Produce (PoP) Club is a farmers markets incentive program for children offered at farmers markets throughout the nation, based on a program started in Oregon.

Each week, children ages 4 to 12 receive a $2 token to spend on fresh fruits and vegetables.

The intent of the PoP Club is to engage children at farmers markets and empower them to make healthful food choices.  Participating in the Club is FREE, but families must register and check-in weekly at the PoP Club Booth to receive tokens.  On average, a family with 3 children in the program save approximately $100 on fruits and vegetables throughout the summer.

Weekly activities will be a hybrid of take-home and in-person.

Sponsor the PoP Club

If you are interested being a sponsor to provide giveaways to PoP Club Plus members, or have any questions, please contact Ali Bunn at 952-223-7677 or allibsfarmersmarket@gmail.com.